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Ship picking up migrants from a small boat

The Increasing Rates of Suicide among Migrants and Asylum Seekers

World Suicide Prevention Day is on 10th September 2023 and the theme for this year is: ‘Creating Hope Through Action’. This blog will examine the increasingly troubling area of suicide among migrants and asylum seekers…

Depressed man on bed

Creating Hope Through Action (2023)

World Suicide Prevention Day 2023 is a suicide awareness day which is held annually on 10th September. It is organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) with the aim of promoting worldwide action to prevent suicide…

Man on couch in mental health treatment

Suicides in Treatment and Aftercare

Suicide is a significant health and social problem and those with any form of addiction are most at risk. Numerous studies have highlighted the link between addiction and suicide. It is well known that alcohol, and many other…

Depressed boy at desk with social media notifications from laptop

The Increase in Pre-Teen and Teenage Suicide

In conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day held on 10th September 2022, this blog examines the increase in pre-teen and teenage suicides…

Depressed man at desk with pile of bills

The Cost of Living Crisis and Suicide

The cost of living crisis is a term that is being widely talked about in the media. The rate of inflation is increasing and petrol and diesel prices are rising fast. The cost of electricity and gas are astronomical and are set to increase further this year…

Depressed girl with head on pillow

Creating Hope Through Action (2022)

World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 is an international event sponsored by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It takes place each year on 10th September and aims to raise awareness of suicide and how it can be prevented…

Depressed woman lying on her bed

World Suicide Prevention Day 2021

One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide. This is a shocking figure and unfortunately, even in the 21st century, there is still a stigma attached to suicide. While many people are reluctant to talk about this issue…

Depressed woman with head on pillow and a thought bubble that says 'COVID-19'

Was there an Increase in Suicides During the Lockdown?

It is a well known fact that social isolation can have a negative impact on emotional wellbeing. For this reason, there was an increase in mental health issues during the lockdown and many people sought medical help during this time…

Man lying on couch with a thought bubble containing an exclamation mark

The Increase in Male Suicides

Recently there has been an alarming increase in mental health problems across the board. Medical professionals are reporting an increase in individuals seeking help for anxiety & depression and other mental health disorders…

Man with head down looking sad

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020

World Suicide Prevention Day 2020 International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). The theme for the third year running is: ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’. The aim is to raise awareness of suicide and provide information on the causes of suicide and the warning signs of suicide…

Suicidal young person at desk with social media notifications from laptop

Suicide and Social Media

The recent story of the death of the YouTuber ‘Etika’ to suicide has been truly shocking not only to his subscribers and fans but to the social media community as a whole. His tragic death, and the recent suicides of reality TV stars, has led to increased media awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. Many questions have arisen including…

Depressed young man on his bed

Should We Stop Saying ‘Commit Suicide’?

We have been using the expression ‘commit suicide’ when referring to people who take their own life. It has been brought to our attention that this term should not be used as it implies a crime has been ‘committed’. Going forward we will no longer use this term but instead will use other expressions such as ‘ended their own life’ or ‘died by suicide…

Depressed young man in bed

Why Are Males More Likely to Attempt Suicide than Females?

This blog will examine the issue of male suicide. It will compare male vs female suicide rates and also discuss the issue of male depression and the link to suicide. We ask why suicide rates among men are so high, and what can be done about these distressing statistics…

Shadowy figure standing on the edge of a train platform with an oncoming train

Is Self-Harm and Suicide Linked?

The number of individuals self-harming has rapidly increased in recent years. A recent study by The Children’s Society reported that one in four 14-year-old girls in the UK are self-harming. This statistic is alarming. However, we are investigating a possible link between self-harm and suicide and this blog will examine if there are ties between the two…

Mum Standing at son's bedroom doorway while he's depressed at his desk

Suicide and How to Recognise the Signs

Why would someone attempt suicide and what are the signs of suicidal behaviour in an individual? These questions are the subject of this blog.

A common expression synonymous with suicide is that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem…

Young man lying on his bed with two thought bubbles - one contains a bottle of tablets, the other contains a sad face

Is there a Link Between Antidepressants and Suicidal Thoughts?

Antidepressants are regularly prescribed for depression and are also used to reduce the risk of suicide. However, there is mounting evidence that antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts in a person who previously had no thoughts of suicide…

Depressed teenage boy looking at his laptop with a stressful thought bubble

Is there a Link Between Social Media and Suicide?

In recent years, the rise in teenage suicides has been shocking. Although the role social media plays in suicides is not totally transparent or clear-cut, recent studies have linked a rise in rates of anxiety and depression in teenagers to their use of social media…

Woman with arm around a young person

World Suicide Prevention Day 2018

In the past 45 years there has been a 60% increase in suicide rates worldwide, and the total number of annual suicides stands at almost 1 million. It is therefore vital that nations focus on World Suicide Prevention Day 2018 and develop strategies to help prevent this terrible loss of life. Remember — suicide is preventable…

Suicidal man lying on the couch at home

World Suicide Prevention Day 2014

According to the World Health Organisation, there are approximately one million suicides globally — this is one every 40 seconds. World Suicide Prevention Day is on 10th September 2014 and it is a day when all nations focus on worldwide action to prevent suicides…

Depressed man at desk looking at laptop with a stressful thought bubble containing a question mark

Suicide Myths

There are a number of myths related to suicide and many people find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. We will look at some of the most common misunderstandings…

A person with a bag full of personal things beside them putting items into a big bin with a sign saying 'UNWANTED CLOTHES'

The Warning Signs of Suicide

One of the most devastating aspects of suicide is the feeling of helplessness. Could I have done something to prevent this tragedy? What were the signs that something was wrong? Should I have realised they were feeling this way? Why didn’t they talk to me?…

Suicide Blog Series Articles