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A series of blog articles relating the real-life school bullying experiences of one of our bloggers.

1. What Form Did the Bullying Take? What was Done/Said?

Some people say that bullying is a normal part of school life. It isn’t and it shouldn’t be. Also, the old saying, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’, is untrue. The mental cruelty of bullying is often a lot worse than physical bullying…

2. How Did You Feel at the Time?

The bullying I endured had a big effect on me physically and mentally. Apart from feeling physically sick most of the time, I also felt very depressed and suicidal. I used to find it hard to sleep at night with the thought of what the following day had in store for me. In the morning I would get headaches and stomach aches just thinking about school…

3. My Little Victory Over the Bullies

I remember an incident at school when I was about 13. One of my tormentors (not one of the worst, I should add), had really upset me by what he said to me on that particular day.

If I recall correctly, it was the end of morning lessons and lunchtime. I knew our next lesson in the afternoon would be French, so I waited until everyone had left the classroom…

4. Who Did You Tell About the Bullying?

When the bullying first started I told my family. My father worked long hours and couldn’t really take time off work to do anything about it. He did go to my primary school to see my headmaster once, but I can’t remember anything really changing and the bullying continued…

5. What Did Your Parents Do?

My father worked long hours, often seven days a week. He did go to my primary school once to see the headmaster when he manhandled me.

My mother came into secondary school with me once and I was asked to name the worst offenders which I did. Four boys were brought to the headmaster’s office and later caned…

6. What Did Your School/Teachers Do?

I’ve already mentioned what happened when my mother went to see the headmaster of my secondary school. Nothing really changed — in fact it actually made the bullying worse. I didn’t find the teachers approachable. I’m sure some of them must have known I was being bullied, but they didn’t do or say anything to me. They probably thought I should have stuck up for myself, but how could I when nearly the whole class was against me…

7. How Does it Make You Feel When You Recall that Time?

I still have the odd nightmare about the bullying I experienced, even 42 years after leaving school. I still feel angry and resentful to a certain extent because I was denied a normal school life by bullies. It has taken me a long time to build up any kind of confidence. Although I’ll never be the most confident person in the world, I have started to feel better in recent years…

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